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chmod u+x

When installing Miniconda it will prompt you for a pathname if not it 
will default to $HOME/miniconda3 if you started from your home directory.

Python is lots of small files so it is best to use /DFS-B/DATA on the new system,
in my case /DFS-B/DATA/staff/santucci/miniconda3 or /DFS-B/DATA/<group/pi-name>/<username>.

Results in updating:


Original .bashrc can be found:


# source .bashrc
. ~/.bashrc

# update your conda environment
conda update -n base conda

# create virtual environment 
conda create -n qiime1 python=2.7 qiime matplotlib=1.4.3 mock nose -c bioconda

# activate qiime1 in python virtual environment
source activate qiime1

# deactive qiime1 in python virtual environment
source deactivate

# destroy/revert back to original conda environment
conda remove --name qiime1 --all